Dyshi Oil
For prophylaxis of common colds
The Dyshi product family – protection for the whole family • A non-medicinal aid during the common-cold season. • Based on plant ingredients. • A combination of the power of nature and modern technologies.
To the product website Instructions in PDF Video guideDescription
• Reduces the probability of catching a cold.*
• Facilitates the induction of a local immune response.**
• Applied in a non-contact manner – you simply inhale the vapour.
• May be used at home, outside, at the office, on public transport.
• A unique and comfortable wristband for active prophylaxis.
For children from the age of 1 year and adults.
* Chernaya N.L., Shubina Ye.V. et al. Practical experience of using aromatherapy to improve the health of children in a preschool institution environment [Opyt ispolzovaniya aromaterapii dlya ozdorovleniya detei v usloviyakh detskogo doshkolnogo uchrezhdeniya]. Consilium Medicum. Pediatriya, 2012, no. 3, pp. 18–23.
** Krasavina N.A., Biyanov A.N., Startseva S.E. Ispol’zovaniye ingalyatsiy efirnymi maslami v reabilitatsii detei s povtornymi zabolevaniyami [Using essential oil inhalations in the rehabilitation of children with repeated illnesses]. Lechaschii Vrach Journal. 2011 Oct;9. Russian.
Presentation: 10-mL amber glass dropper bottle.
- Active ingredients:
- Mint oil (without menthol) (Оleum mеnthае) – 35.45%
- Eucalyptus oil (Oleum eucalypti) – 35.45%
- Cajuput oil (Oleum cajeputi) – 18.50%
- Levomenthol (Levomenthol) – 4.10%
- Wintergreen oil (Gaultheria procumbens) (Oleum wintergreen) – 3.70%
- Juniper oil (Oleum juniperi) – 2.70%
- Clove oil (Oleum caryophylli) – 0.10%
TS 9151-108-58693373-15.