Dyshi Oil Spray
For prophylaxis of common colds
The Dyshi product family – protection for the whole family • A non-medicinal aid during the common-cold season. • Based on plant ingredients. • A combination of the power of nature and modern technologies.
To the product website Instructions in PDF Video guideDescription
• Reduces the probability of catching a cold.*
• Facilitates the induction of a local immune response.**
• Applied in a non-contact manner – you simply inhale the vapour.
• May be used at home, outside, at the office, on public transport.
For children from the age of 1 year and adults.
* Chernaya N.L., Shubina Ye.V. et al. Practical experience of using aromatherapy to improve the health of children in a preschool institution environment [Opyt ispolzovaniya aromaterapii dlya ozdorovleniya detei v usloviyakh detskogo doshkolnogo uchrezhdeniya]. Consilium Medicum. Pediatriya, 2012, no. 3, pp. 18–23.
** Krasavina N.A., Biyanov A.N., Startseva S.E. Ispol’zovaniye ingalyatsiy efirnymi maslami v reabilitatsii detei s povtornymi zabolevaniyami [Using essential oil inhalations in the rehabilitation of children with repeated illnesses]. Lechaschii Vrach Journal. 2011 Oct;9. Russian.
Presentation: 30-mL amber glass spray bottle with pump.
- Active ingredients: demineralised water, mint oil (оleum меnthае), eucalyptus oil (оleum eucalypti), cajuput oil (оleum cajeputi), levomenthol (levomenthol), wintergreen oil (Gaultheria procumbens) (оleum wintergreen), juniper oil (оleum juniperi), clove oil (оleum caryophylli), polysorbate (Tween 80) as emulsifier.
TS 9197-107-58693373-15.