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Zhidkij Ugol (Liquid Charcoal)
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Appreciation letters from the Russian Society of Urologists and National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakov prove fruitful cooperation in socially significant projects implemented aiming to restore male and female fertility and the Family Calendar project.

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Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education (Moscow)

Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety (Moscow)

National Medical Research Center of Children’s Health (Moscow)

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AltraVita IVF Clinic

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Perm State Medical University named after Academician E. A. Wagner

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy

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Federal Research and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology of FMBA of Russia

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Research and Clinical Institute for Pediatrics named after Academician Yuri Veltischev

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